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Our Relationship to Learning: Test Your Knowledge!


Do you know what influences our relationship to learning and in what way? Can you tell if our emotions and our perception of learning play a significant role in the acquisition of new knowledge? Do you know the strategies that lead to in-depth learning? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Collaborative Learning: A Practical Guide


We are social beings and our interactions with our peers often become golden opportunities to learn. It is this aspect of our nature that collaborative learning focuses on, a pedagogical approach that we presented in a previous article.

Collaborative learning in 3 questions


Our interactions with our peers are often prolific opportunities to learn, and this is even more valid when they are done in a collaborative mode. That's why it's a good idea to integrate "collaborative" learning into the range of pedagogical approaches, a model that is particularly suitable for adult learners and that can also be adapted to online training. Let's demystify it in 3 questions.

Mini Glossary of the Flexibility of eLearning


Flexibility is one of the greatest assets of eLearning. It allows the learners to choose the place and, in asynchronous mode, the time that suits them to advance in their learning path. That said, eLearning offers other forms of flexibility that are less known. Here is a mini glossary that might help you understand them better!

Online training in empathic mode


For most of us, empathy evokes the ability to put ourselves in the other person's shoes, to try to understand what the other is going through. This important component of interpersonal relationships is sometimes confused with sympathy, compassion or altruism, but it can also be related to these concepts.

The adult brain learns best with stories


Since the dawn of time, human beings have been telling stories to pass on their most precious values and knowledge to their fellows. Nowadays, this activity is mainly used as entertainment and associated with childhood. Research tells us that a well-crafted story can become a powerful learning tool, even for learners who have long since reached adulthood.

Do humour and learning mix well?


Humour, an ingredient that, in the classroom, is most often spontaneous and dependent on the teacher's personality, but which deserves to be taken a little more “seriously,” given its potential positive and negative impacts. Without making an exhaustive analysis of the subject, here are some things to think about.

6 Conceptions of Learning… Which One Is Yours?


What does "learning" mean to you? Chances are your answer will differ from that of your neighbour. Indeed, contrary to what one might think, we do not all share the same conception of the learning process. Among those who have studied the issue, researcher Roger Säljö, who, with Ference Marton, is at the origin of the concepts of surface and depth learning, is the first to have identified different conceptions of learning among adult students.

7 thoughts on informal learning


"Any occasion is good for learning!" could be the motto of informal learning, this type of learning without structure or organization that we all do on a daily basis without realizing it and whose possibilities are attracting increasing interest, especially in the workplace.

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