Test Your Knowledge!

Autonomy in Learning: Test Your Knowledge!

2024-05-29T14:20:59-04:002024/05/29|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

There is growing interest in the importance of autonomy in learning, including among adults. This topic seems more relevant than ever, given the growing importance of online training, which can require learners to be more autonomous than face-to-face approaches. Do you know what self-training is? Can you distinguish between concepts such as metacognition, self-regulated learning and self-efficacy?

Metacognition: Test Your Knowledge!

2024-04-11T15:59:59-04:002024/04/11|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Do you have any idea what metacognition is? Can you describe what it makes possible? How it develops, and who can develop it? Do you know its importance in learning? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Cognitive Bias in Education: Test Your Knowledge!

2024-03-14T15:18:36-04:002024/03/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Do you know what a cognitive bias is? Do you know which ones can interfere in the teacher-learner relationship and have significant effects on learning? Do you have any idea of how a teacher can avoid them? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Stress and Learning: Test Your Knowledge!

2024-01-19T12:56:33-05:002024/01/19|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know the physiological difference between positive and negative stress? Do you understand the characteristics that can transform a situation into a source of stress? Can you tell the difference between absolute and relative stress? Do you know stress's proven and sometimes surprising effects on memory and learning? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Artificial Intelligence: Test Your Knowledge!

2023-10-06T15:43:14-04:002023/10/06|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Technology, Test Yourself|

Do you know what kind of artificial intelligence (AI) lies behind ChatGPT? Did you ever think that you could understand AI by comparing its components to those involved in making a cake? Do you have any idea what inspired the development of the branch of AI known as deep learning, which has led to current innovations in the field? Do you know what is increasingly characterizing applications such as ChatGPT? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

The “Micro” Trend in Learning: Test Your Knowledge!

2023-08-31T16:24:12-04:002023/08/31|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

In the world of training, the prefix "micro," for "very small," is all the rage. You may have heard of micro modules, micro-credentials or microdiplomas. Shorter generally means more flexible, more attractive, less time-consuming, more economical... So, concepts that put the "micro" in the spotlight are emerging to better respond to new realities, including the need for continuous learning. But in the midst of all this confusion, it can be hard to find your way around. Do you know exactly what microlearning is? Are you familiar with the concept of micro-credentials? Do badges ring a bell? Test your knowledge and find out by answering the following five questions.

The Advantages and Potential of Virtual Reality: Test Your Knowledge!

2023-05-10T15:44:20-04:002023/05/10|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Technology, Test Yourself|

Do you know the advantages of virtual reality (VR) for training professionals? Can you tell what forms the feeling of presence in this immersive environment takes? Do you know that certain technologies can be integrated into VR to enhance it? Do you have an idea of how VR can be integrated into medical training and what therapeutic purposes it can serve? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Motivation and Success from the Brain’s Perspective: Test Your Knowledge

2023-04-13T16:38:37-04:002023/04/13|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Considered one of the essential elements for success in learning, motivation is a remarkably complex phenomenon. Over the decades, however, the field of education has been able to draw on abundant literature on the subject to improve its pedagogical and andragogical approaches. More recently, neuroscience has provided new keys to understanding the phenomenon based on the observation of its mechanisms in the brain.

The Fascinating Memory: Test Your Knowledge!

2023-03-01T10:27:57-05:002023/03/01|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know the characteristics of long-term memory and short-term memory? Do you understand the factors that influence the memory process? Do you think that forgetting can be a good sign? Do you know the effects of stress on memory? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Academic Cheating: Test Your Knowledge!

2022-11-02T16:27:42-04:002022/11/02|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Do you know how common academic cheating is? What makes a human being susceptible to cheating? Are the reasons for cheating the same from elementary school to university? What do you think are the main factors that encourage students to cheat? Finally, what are some effective ways to counteract this problem in our educational institutions? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

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