Test Your Knowledge!

The History and Contributions of Neuroscience: Test Your Knowledge!

2022-07-07T16:26:57-04:002022/07/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Neuroscience, Test Yourself|

Do you know what the term "neuroscience" means and when it was coined? Do you know the crucial moments in the history of this discipline? Do you know that there are several sub-disciplines in the field? Test your knowledge of the subject by answering the following five questions.

Play and the Adult Learner: Test Your Knowledge!

2022-06-14T14:59:23-04:002022/06/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Did you know that there is a growing interest in the virtues of play and fun in adult learning? Do you know about approaches that use these elements in elearning? Did you know that games can have a place in higher education and that some university professors are seriously exploring their potential?

Cognitive biases: test your knowledge!

2021-12-09T14:43:50-05:002021/12/09|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know what a cognitive bias is and how many there are to date? Are you aware that certain cognitive biases must be taken seriously in the teaching world? Do you have any idea of how to help a teacher avoid them? Can you tell a cognitive bias from a myth? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Brain and neuroscience: test your knowledge!

2021-11-03T15:29:22-04:002021/11/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you have any idea how many thoughts we have in a day? Do you know the characteristics of the brain at different life stages? Do you know how stress affects the brain and how to help the brain to relax? Do you have any idea of the contribution of neuroscience to education? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

The Social Dimension of Learning: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-09-17T14:58:17-04:002021/09/17|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know what connected learning is? Do you know what factors are positively influenced by the social presence in online learning? Do you have any idea what types of activities are most likely to lead to informal learning in a workplace? Are you familiar with empathy pedagogy and collaborative learning? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Putting the Learner First: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-08-26T14:43:48-04:002021/08/26|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

We no longer think of education without putting the learners first. In this regard, do you know what motivates them? Do you recognize the conditions that are optimal for them? What factors can inspire confidence in online training? And did you know that we think about them when we choose the colours of such training? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

The Teacher in The Past, Present and Future Tense: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-08-26T14:42:16-04:002021/07/21|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you have any idea what the teacher of the future will look like? Do you know how technology may surpass the teacher? Can you distinguish between the roles of coach, tutor and mentor? Do you know of any historical teacher role models who can inspire a redefinition of the profession? Finally, can you tell if personal characteristics that may seem trivial are actually assets to being a good teacher?

Cheating, Uncertainty and Humour in The Classroom: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-06-10T11:42:44-04:002021/06/10|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself, Uncategorized|

Do you know the most effective ways to counteract student cheating? Do you know what factors most encourage students to cheat, depending on whether they are in elementary, high school or university? Do you have an idea of the best strategy for dealing with uncertainty? Do you know how learners and teachers perceive humour in the classroom and what principles teachers should follow to make good use of it?

Tips for Better Learning: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-05-05T10:18:30-04:002021/05/05|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know the best tips for taking notes or the most common myths about learning? Do you know Elmore's four modes of learning that correspond to our personal theories on the subject and influence the way we learn? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

The Adult Learner: Test Your Knowledge!

2021-05-05T16:22:57-04:002021/03/11|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Test Yourself|

Do you know what makes the adult learner different? Do you have any idea of the principles involved in designing adult-friendly elearning? Do you know what informal learning and self-study are? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

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