[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Tips on Creating Memorable Online Courses

2024-06-18T12:25:22-04:002024/06/18|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Neuroscience, Online|

Designing online courses that successfully engage and educate learners requires a deep understanding of how the brain processes information. By incorporating insights from neuroscience, we can create courses that significantly improve retention, understanding, and application of knowledge. Below, we offer a short list of tips based on neuroscience principles to help you develop memorable online courses.

4 Steps in Making In-House Training Unforgettable

2024-04-24T11:58:06-04:002024/04/24|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning|

In professional development, in-house training is a critical component for enhancing employee skills and promoting consistency in knowledge and skills across an organization. However, the challenge lies in designing these training sessions to be both memorable and effective. Drawing parallels from the classic narrative structure known as the "hero's journey," we can infuse our training programs with elements that educate, engage, and inspire.

The Crucial Role of Sexual Violence Awareness Training in Universities

2024-02-29T10:33:28-05:002024/02/29|Articles, Case Study, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Society|

In an age where conversations around consent and gender and sex equality are more prominent than ever, the implementation of Sexual Violence Awareness Training in universities has become not just relevant but necessary. In Canada, the approach to mandating sexual violence awareness training and implementing policies in universities varies by province, reflecting diverse legal frameworks and institutional responses. However, these programs are pivotal in promoting a safe, supportive, and inclusive campus environment for all students and staff.

Five Tips for Effective Employee Onboarding

2024-02-09T12:14:31-05:002024/02/09|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning|

Onboarding, just like anything in our lives that marks the beginning of a new chapter, can be filled with anticipation, discovery, and, inevitably, a bit of apprehension. Creating an effective process is not only crucial for employee retention but also for fostering a productive and happy workplace. Let's explore some ways to optimize your onboarding process.

3 Tips on How to Maintain Motivation While Studying

2024-02-01T16:33:25-05:002024/02/01|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Neuroscience|

Maintaining high levels of motivation during study sessions is often a struggle; however, backed up by neuroscience, a few study tips could provide a helpful hand. These approaches are grounded in a deep comprehension of brain function, utilizing this understanding to enhance both learning effectiveness and the drive to continue studying.

2024 and the Future of Education

2024-01-19T12:59:21-05:002024/01/09|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning|

As we embark on 2024, together with building the list of resolutions –personal or company-level – it is also an excellent time to examine the emerging educational trends poised to influence our approaches to learning and teaching. All in all, these trends not only mirror the evolving landscape of education but also predict a transition towards experiences that are increasingly inclusive, adaptable, and learner-centred.

10 Ways Online Learning is Reshaping Companies’ Training Strategies

2023-08-21T14:03:28-04:002023/08/21|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Online|

In the ever-evolving business landscape, training is a ubiquitous requirement for staying ahead of the competition. Especially pushed upfront by the recent pandemic, online learning has become quintessential to any company's training strategy. So, let's delve into how online learning is reshaping the corporate world, from onboarding to upskilling, fostering innovation, and enhancing employee engagement.

Simplifying AI…and Making Cakes

2023-08-08T13:04:41-04:002023/08/08|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Technology|

Artificial Intelligence is one of the buzz concepts of the last few years and its growing complexity makes it sometimes hard to wrap one’s head around. In simpler terms, it's about creating programs and systems that can make decisions, solve problems, and even recognize patterns on their own, without being explicitly programmed for. AI helps computers perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, like understanding language, recognizing objects in images, playing games, use patterns and trends within vast amounts of data to make predictions, and much more. To strip it down to its main stages, AI is like making a cake: you gather ingredients, follow a recipe, mix things together, bake it, and then you watch the results unfold.

Upskilling workforce: 5 key areas to focus on

2023-06-22T11:34:48-04:002023/06/22|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Society|

At a time when the labour market is in a state of transformation, every company should ensure that it implements an ongoing strategy to enhance the skills and knowledge of its employees. When properly designed and deployed, this initiative usually results in an overall increase in productivity, innovation, and performance. Moreover, by demonstrating a commitment to the professional development of its employees, a company stimulates employee engagement, job satisfaction and loyalty. Without further ado, here are five non-comprehensive key areas a company should focus on when aiming to upskill its workforce.

Five Teaching Strategies Backed Up by Neuroscience

2023-05-24T15:08:18-04:002023/05/24|Articles, Doru Lupeanu, Learning, Neuroscience|

Neuroscience has made remarkable advances in unravelling the mysteries of the human brain. As our understanding of how the brain functions expands, so does our ability to apply this knowledge to various fields, particularly education. Instructors can create an environment that maximizes engagement and retention by aligning teaching strategies with the brain's natural processes. Here are five teaching strategies backed by neuroscience that can enhance learning experiences.

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