Academic Cheating: Test Your Knowledge!

2022-11-02T16:27:42-04:002022/11/02|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Do you know how common academic cheating is? What makes a human being susceptible to cheating? Are the reasons for cheating the same from elementary school to university? What do you think are the main factors that encourage students to cheat? Finally, what are some effective ways to counteract this problem in our educational institutions? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions.

Attention in 15 points

2022-10-27T12:53:08-04:002022/10/27|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

In these times of over-solicitation, attention is a crucial factor in our cognitive efficiency, whether we are learning new things or simply doing many of our daily tasks. To preserve and cultivate it, the first step is to know its unique mechanisms in order to identify the factors we can influence and those to ignore. Let's decipher it in 15 points!

Metacognition in 10 points

2022-10-13T13:29:41-04:002022/10/13|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning|

We all use it daily, more or less consciously, and developing it is one of the best ways to improve the quality of our learning. It is called "metacognition," a notion that the American psychologist John H. Flavell was the first to name in his work in the 1970s and to set out the theoretical foundations still considered today.

Virtual Reality as support for future teachers

2024-03-20T15:08:41-04:002022/09/21|Articles, Case Study, Learning, Technology|

The applications of Virtual Reality (VR) in education can create active experiences in increasingly immersive worlds and provide a safe environment for learners to test and practice situations otherwise stressful or, in some instances, dangerous. In this context and working closely with a team from Concordia's Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) unit from the Department of Education, we created a VR experience where students can prepare, in a safe and customized virtual environment, for their assessment interview with their mentor (either classroom teacher or university supervisor).

8 benefits of virtual reality for training professionals

2022-09-14T14:54:47-04:002022/09/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Technology|

Virtual reality (VR) is a fascinating technology that allows users to immerse themselves in a dynamic and adaptive 3D world of 360 degrees. In this digital universe, they can move and interact with tactile and sensory feedback by simply wearing a visor and, if necessary, haptic gloves. Primarily associated with the world of video games, VR is increasingly becoming a training tool.

The fascinating potential of VR for medical training

2022-10-20T14:07:21-04:002022/09/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Technology|

Initially associated with the world of video games, virtual reality (VR) is becoming an essential training tool in specific fields, including medicine and paramedicine. Its advantages are enhanced by the fact that it has evolved rapidly in recent years in terms of performance and ergonomics while becoming more accessible.

[VIDEO] Neuroscience: Learning in 4 Steps

2022-08-30T10:15:36-04:002022/08/30|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Neuroscience|

While there are many valid teaching methods, the latest findings in neuroscience have identified 4 factors necessary for successful learning. Compatible with the freedom and experimentation that remain important in pedagogy, these guiding principles can be integrated into various approaches.

Studying Like a Pro. Test Your Knowledge!

2022-08-19T09:11:00-04:002022/08/18|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Test Yourself|

Do you know the best way to activate your neurons for learning? Do you know what memory retrieval training consists of? Do you know the relative effectiveness of the most commonly used study techniques such as proofreading, highlighting or practice tests? Finally, do you believe that we can learn through observation? Test your knowledge on the topic by answering the following five questions.

6 forms of interaction in online learning

2022-08-03T14:33:50-04:002022/08/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning|

An interaction is defined as “a reciprocal action or influence of two things, two people.” Learning and teaching involve several forms of interaction between different actors. In pedagogy, this subject has been studied from several viewpoints and has given rise to various theories, with the growth of online learning adding a new dimension to them. Here is an overview of what these 6 particular forms of interaction look like in an online learning context.

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