
Motivation: a driving force for learning engagement

2021-05-05T13:30:10-04:002019/10/03|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

Motivation is the momentum that drives us to act and think in one way or another, a process that is both cognitive and emotional, influenced by a combination of factors that are internal and external to us. In learning, motivation is a sine qua non-condition to get involved, to engage in a traditional or online training path.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Deciphering the Brain

2021-05-05T11:32:52-04:002019/08/07|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

This organ that allows us to be conscious of ourselves and others, to speak, to reflect, to juggle with symbols, to create, or to learn it never ceases to amaze us. It is our mainframe that gives us our human character, this powerful machine that no artificial intelligence can yet surpass.

[INFOGRAPHIC] Studying with Breaks: 3 Effective “Training” Programs

2021-05-05T11:38:13-04:002019/07/24|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

Studying is good, but studying with breaks is better! Like our muscles in physical training, the brain functions optimally if its working moments are judiciously combined with rest periods. And neuroscience has recently confirmed this.

Learning and Forgetting: New Perspectives on the Brain

2021-05-05T11:38:57-04:002019/07/18|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience|

The brain is the most extraordinary of our organs, and although we are far from having unraveled all its mysteries, some of them have been exposed in recent years. The tools and approaches that allow us to explore it have made giant strides. Here are some current discoveries that should interest and surprise you!

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] Why Are We Cheating?

2021-05-05T11:49:16-04:002019/05/14|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience, Research|

Cheating is circumventing or violating legal or moral rules, pretending to respect them, in order to take unfair advantage of them. Cheating is everywhere: we have all heard of scandals that have splashed the world of sport, business, politics, etc. Many of us would also have cheated at least once during our school years...

[IN DEPTH ANALYSIS] The importance of emotions in learning

2022-03-08T14:42:03-05:002019/02/02|Articles, Catherine Meilleur, Learning, Neuroscience, Online, Research|

Not so long ago, it was thought that learning was a strictly rational process in which emotions did not have a big role. This belief was formed together with a certain definition of intelligence derived from the "famous" IQ tests - yet designed to detect learning difficulties in children.

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